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Five Steps for Launching a Successful Corporate Shoe Program

By SR Max

Five Steps for Launching a Successful Corporate Shoe Program

If you're thinking about starting a corporate shoe program for your company, you're smarter than people think. A corporate shoe program is a great way to keep employees safe and happy.These programs allow employees to pick the style and color of their pair of slip-resistant shoes, and they prevent accidents from happening in the workplace. That means a reduction in the volume of workers compensation claims, and fewer lost days from work due to an accident.That's a whole lot of winning right there! Now that you understand why these programs are so great, here's five steps to get a corporate shoe program started for your company:

1. There's a form to fill out

You'll need to fill out our (very simple) 'Start a Program' form foundhere. After we receive your form, an SR Max representative will contact you within two days to complete the account set-up process. If we need any additional information like banking or credit references, we'll get that from you at this time.We'll also set up the process for your associates to order directly or through a coordinator at your office. We want to make this as easy as possible for you. The only stress should be on your feet, and even that will be gone after your new slip-resistant shoes arrive!

2. Give us the 'deets'

We'll need to know the specific needs of your shoe program. For example: does your company or industry require slip-resistant shoes? Or are you just doing this because you're super smart? Do you want only slip-resistant shoes made available to employees? Which of our many colors and styles would you like to make available to your employees?Now is also the time to tell us about the job duties your employees perform daily. We can recommend the shoes that make the best fit for your company.

3. Configure your payroll deduction

Typically for payroll deduction orders, you'll need the employees:

  • First and last name
  • Employee ID
  • Store location or department
  • Style number
  • Size and width of the shoe that they wish to purchase

Orders can come through your management team or directly from your associates. That decision is entirely up to you. Orders may be placed online using your SR Max account number, or they may be called into SR Max toll-free at (877) 776-2933.If you do decide that you want all orders to go through your management team, SR Max can provide order forms for your associates to fill out and submit to management.

4. This program isn'tjustfor you

No one creates a corporate shoe program for only one person. That would be weird. So let people know about your new program! Our team at SR Max can help create break room posters, catalogs, and online ordering options so that you can spread the word.Here's a helpful tip: include information about your corporate shoe program in any new hire packet. You alone are not a corporation, so make sure that your corporate shoe program is successful by letting your company know about it.

5. Kick back and wait for the shoes

Unfortunately, we don't have the technology to beam your shoes to you instantly. However, once your employees' order has been processed, the shoes will ship out to your facility manager or associate. For online orders, you will receive an automated summary of the order, as well as an e-mailed shipping confirmation from UPS once the shoes are on their way.Congratulations! You've created a successful shoe program. Enjoy the safety and style that your employees will now have while you save the company money with the payroll deduction plan.Are you ready to start a program with us, or want more information? Check us out atwww.srmax.comto learn more!


Categories: Q & A, Company Information  |  Authored by: SR Max  |  Posted: 03/27/2023