Not Just Slip Resistant, But Very Efficient!

Article by Brinklee BaileySR Max®/ Saf-GardTM has some very exciting news to share! We have recently partnered with a company by the name of SolePower that will literally make your safety shoes full of power! What exactly does this mean? It means that with every step you take, SolePowers technology combined with SR Max®/ Saf-GardsTM original work boot and MaxTrax® outsole, one of the most efficient and safest work boots is born.
Here is an example of one of SR Max®/ Saf-GardsTM SmartBoot and just some of the groundbreaking technology featured within the boot. SR Max®/ Saf-GardTM typically creates and provides slip resistant work shoes for the hospitality, grocery, restaurant and manufacturing industries. With this new partnership, the manufacturing industry will be heavily impacted with the insightful technology built within this new shoe.Technology and DataNot only will this boot give you the ultimate protection for workers, but because of its ability to use the gate and impact of your stride, it provides power to different applications within the sole. Vital information needed to save time and money in the long run will be collected by using the technology of the shoe.This advanced technology will be able to monitor workers' efficiency while they are doing tasks, by continuously logging and tracking information. As workers move, there is enough power created for the GPS system, motion sensors and temperature sensor all to be activated. Having this data will assist in making it much easier to develop a course of action that will cause work sites and factories to run more smoothly.
The SmartBoots GPS feature will be able to track where any worker is located on a job site, therefore maintaining safety and accountability on any job. If a worker does experience any harm while on the work site, it will be easier for management to locate this employee and ensure their safety.If those features werent enough for you, SolePowers kinetic energy feature will also allow workers to charge their radios and cellphones, making it easier to reach them and always have a line of communication if needed. Every time the employee takes a step it generates power within the boots kinetic charger.This technology has been deemed so powerful and so innovative that even the U.S. Army has partnered with SolePower to use their technology. They have used SolePowers technology to provide their soldiers with a lighter form of power that the soldiers use daily.
SmartBoots are designed to be the ultimate resource in making sure that work sites are as safe and efficient as possible.To learn more about SolePowers revolutionary technology, visit their website at http://www.solepowertech.com/ . To learn more about SR Max®/Saf-GardsTM safety shoes visit http://www.srmax.com/ .

Categories: Company Information, Featured | Authored by: SR Max | Posted: 04/12/2017